Tuesday, March 27, 2007


there are a couple things in life that keep me really happy. the number one thing is music: playing it, writing it, listening to it, watching it, thinking about it, buying it, downloading it, reading about it, and talking about it. sometimes it makes me absolutely giddy. and lately, i can't stay stressed out or bummed out for very long anymore. it's not worth it. and i'd much rather be giddy and dance around to music in my room than sit and mope, to be honest. here's what i'm currently happy about: i bought jarvis cocker concert tickets for late april in san francisco. i can't adequately express my excitement over this.

last night i was in the studio with andy from 10:00 p.m. til 4:30 a.m., with the exception of the time it took to do a beer run and take a forced-break while the custodians were buffing the floors of the hallways. we went over one track in particular quite a lot, and i think we probably got a couple pretty decent takes from it. if nothing else, i now have a pretty good idea of what needs to be practiced and changed about it, and what i should be aware of when practicing it. there are still a couple little glitches to be worked out, mostly things having to do with tempo and pitch and consistency of tempo. a lot of those are things that get harder to get right the more the song is played and the more tired it gets. i'm pretty excited to be working with andy, though. we're getting better at communicating with one another about what's working in the recordings and what isn't, and i feel like we're pretty much on the same page as far as what we think sounds good and the sort of aesthetic we're going for. monday nights will be recording nights from here on out, for a while.

i've gotten better about letting go of the past, almost to a fault, and looking forward to the future. i anticipate a lot of exciting times to come. i really want to move into the city when i graduate - either NYC or san francisco - and i want to just jump right in and do what i can to play a lot of music and do a lot of writing and meet a lot of people and exchange ideas. i think right now is an exciting and important time to be alive and i'd like to take advantage of that and really utilize the currents of energy that are circulating around our society in order to make good things happen. i think that's what all of us should be trying to do. partying and wasting time is all well and good, but i think it should be done in the most productive way possible. i've noticed just how often conversations with my peers center around the notion of cultural and political change, revolution, and artistic movement. i think it's on the forefront of most everyone's psyche and i think its unavoidable. i feel like the energy is there, and i feel like we're alive at a breaking point, as if things are balanced really delicately and they have no choice but to come falling down to make way for something that is perhaps better. i feel anxious and giddy and excited and determined. and i really, really, really love music for its power to move people and its power to be a catalyst and simply just for its goodness and sexiness and newness and ability to be in flux.


buzzardlagoon said...
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Shy Violence said...

the above comment was actually me not realizing that jesse was signed in on my computer.

what i said was that i had a good time at delta today and that i am sorry if i was a little overzealous. you can have your bimurder and i will take my biewy :)