Saturday, February 10, 2007


i had a really visually-stunning dream. i got hired to work at some kind of social service place, where i had to show a card with my name on it at the door/gate to get in; and then i had to stand/sit at a desk with a microphone on my side of a clear glass wall, kind of like you see in the visiting sections of prisons or in the ticket booths at movie theatres. people lined up in long, long lines: presumably people who were in desperate need of aid or money of some sort. they waited in line essentially all day long, and then when they reached the glass window, they would pass through a card with an amount of money written on it, as a form of request, and i and my co-workers would make the executive decision whether or not to give the person the money requested or not. i worked a full day at the place. it was snowing outside. i got off my shift, and went to find my purse, in which i had a brand new tub of power eye-liner. dark sparkling black powder which stood out against the bright white of the snow below. and in the background there still were the long lines of people, waiting.

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