Tuesday, February 20, 2007


"My world is the world of a metamorphosis and paradox which are reality for me and this reality I materialize in my works. I like to be surprised and astonished , I like to surprise and astonish myself. Creativity should inspire and arouse creativeness." -Sergey Tyukanov

well, i say this: ships rattle the ribcages of the night.


...and this is my favorite poem ever. it's written by a swedish poet, gunnar ekelof, and is called "If You Ask Me":

If you ask me where i am
well i live here beyond the mountains
It is far but I am near
I live in another world
but you live in it too
It is everywhere, as rare as helium
Why do you ask for an aircraft to travel in
Ask instead for a filter for nitrogen
a filter for carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other gases
Ask for a filter for all that separates us
a filter for life
You say that you can hardly breathe
What of it! Who do you think can breathe?
Most of the time we take it equably
A wise man has said:
"It was so dark I could barely see the stars."
He only meant that it was night.

You can read Ekelof's Bio at the following website:

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