Wednesday, June 13, 2007


1) attempting to control a situation almost necessarily results in the opposite response from that which is desired.
musings on this observation:
-if luck exists, perhaps it is exclusively existent for those who have faith in its existence.
-wanting a specific outcome shows a desire for power, and thus a lack of faith in/ subservience to the forces of luck

2) the degree to which some people are happy is so much greater than the degree to which some people are unhappy.
-this both argues for luck and against it:
for luck: if there was not such a thing as luck, everyone would essentially have the same fortune
against luck: if there were luck, it would go to those who deserved it/ needed it, and not to those who have already had prosperous times.

i love the following (taken from wikipedia):
"Knock on wood, spoken expression used as a charm to bring good luck. In medieval times, it was believed that there were spirits living in the trees. One would 'knock on wood' for the spirits, to gain protection from bad luck."

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